About Vegetable Variety Citizen Science
What varieties will grow best in my
garden? No doubt gardeners have been asking their fellow gardeners
this question for centuries.
Today's gardeners ask the same question. But now this website provides
an avenue for gardeners to share their knowledge with a much wider
The concept is simple: Gardeners visit this site and report what
varieties perform well - and not so well - in their gardens. Other
gardeners visit to view the variety ratings and read the reviews to
decide which might work well for them.
The Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners citizen science project also
provides an opportunity for researchers to involve knowledgeable and
motivated citizens in meaningful scientific research. Research on the
performance of vegetable varieties is often limited to commercial
production for many reasons. Home gardens may be overlooked, in part,
because visiting thousands of home gardens to collect data would be an
overwhelming task.
Asking gardeners to partner with researchers by collecting and sharing
their own observations via the web could prove to be a winning
combination for all. With a multitude of gardener observations at
their finger tips, researchers can gain new insight into the
performance of vegetable varieties under a wide range of conditions
and practices, and ultimately provide more insight into which
varieties perform best. At the same time, gardeners can get advice
from a larger community of gardeners to help decide which varieties to
try in their own garden.
Gardeners - young, old, beginners, experts - join the research team
Another citizen science opportunity sponsored by the Department of
Horticulture at Cornell is the Viburnum Leaf Beetle Project, where
citizen scientists partner with Cornell researchers to track the
spread of this devastating pest of native and cultivated shrubs.
The Vegetable Variety Citizen Science Team:
- Lori Bushway,
Citizen Science Project Director/Senior Extension Associate, Department of Horticulture.
Website questions?
Citizen science questions?
Email: vegvariety@cornell.edu
- Thomas M. Jahn, Programmer Analyst II, Department of Horticulture
- Ari Rockland-Miller, Extension Support Specialists,Department of Horticulture
- Angela McGregor Hedstrom, Program Assistant,Department of Horticulture
Additional team advisors and previous members:
- Steve Gabriel, Program Assistant,Department of Horticulture
- Craig Cramer, Communications Specialist, Department of Horticulture
- Russell Welser, Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Ontario County
- Marcia Eames-Sheavly, Senior Extension Associate, Department of Horticulture
- Charlie Mazza, Senior Extension Associate, Department of Horticulture
- Paul Treadwell, Web Administrator, Cornell Cooperative Extension