Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program

'Yellow Brandywine' Tomatoes
Sub-Category: Standard
Sub-Category 2:
Description: Open-pollinated, main-season, standard tomato with yellow, 1-pound, slightly ribbed, irregularly shaped fruit with blossom end scar. Indeterminate, potato-leaved plants.
Days To Maturity: 82
Seed Sources: BBBseed - updated in 2011

Rating Summary
Overall: (3.9 Stars)Overall
Taste: (4.4 Stars)Taste
Yield: (3.0 Stars)Yield
Ease/Reliability: (3.1 Stars)Ease/Reliability
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Number of Reviews: 8

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KEY: O=Overall Rating, T=Taste, Y=Yield, E=Ease

Reviewed on 08/15/2013 by A. W. Davidson - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Marion, Indiana, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

I'll probably add to this later but this is one of the best tasting tomatoes I've ever had. so far I've only gotten two off the plant but more are on the way. This has been a bad disease year for me but so far the plant is doing great.

Reviewed on 02/01/2008 by Kristi - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Bonneville, Idaho, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Even in our Zone 4 garden this is my very favorite variety. Large to gigantic tomatoes (32oz. record) that come late in the season - outstanding flavor makes them worth every minute of anticipation. We have these on grilled hamburgers and fresh homemade buns all through late summer and fall and for as long as the ones we've brought inside to ripen last! A few tears are always shed when the last one is eaten. They dry nicely for a burst of tomato flavor in those mid-winter salads.

Reviewed on 12/01/2006 by barkeater - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield

Vermont, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Unlike the others, my YB yielded 29.2# from one plant. However, 15# were picked mostly green in October. If my climate is ever "normal" again, I could get half the yield as most ripen so late. One thing I can say is The plants were the biggest in the garden, 7' when I topped them on Labor Day. They really need to be caged. The fruit were nicely shaped and good sized, and had the best flavor of any end of the season tomato picked green.

Reviewed on 11/15/2006 by gardengalrn - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Kentucky, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

I had to try it on name alone but it does not compare to several other yellow/orange types. Nice beefy fruits but the taste lacked the complexity I was hoping for. Did suffer catfacing and mishapen fruits, too. Production was low.

Reviewed on 06/15/2006 by Maggie - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Genesee, Michigan, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

The hands-down best tasting of the two dozen plus varieties that we grow each year. Not the prettiest or highest yielding, but worth growing for the superb, consistent flavor.

Reviewed on 05/22/2006 by farmerdill - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Richmond, Georgia, United States
Frost Free Season: 183 - 203 days
Soil Texture: Sand
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

This cultivar grows a huge vine, but yields few tomatoes. Those it does yield are large and visually appealing. To me, the taste is a little off. I much prefer the Goldie, Amana Orange , Golden Ponderosa, , Golden Colossal for both taste and performance.

Reviewed on 12/02/2005 by Joachim - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Amongst yellows Brandywine Yellow, especially the Platfoot strain, has the richest flavor, mouth watering texture but poor yield.

Reviewed on 01/21/2005 by tomatokc - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Missouri, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

The best large fruited Yellow. Usually not very productive but what one does get is usually better than most red varieties.

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program, © 2004-2025, All Rights Reserved
Cornell Garden Based Learning, Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Horticulture Section