Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program

'Pineapple' Tomatoes
Sub-Category: Standard
Sub-Category 2:
Description: Open-pollinated, main-season, heirloom, standard, beefsteak-type tomato with 1- to 2-pound, 5-inch, smooth-textured, red fruit streaked yellow-orange and with few seeds. Indeterminate potato-leaved plants.
Days To Maturity: 85
Seed Sources: Totally Tomato - updated in 2011

Rating Summary
Overall: (3.8 Stars)Overall
Taste: (4.1 Stars)Taste
Yield: (3.2 Stars)Yield
Ease/Reliability: (3.6 Stars)Ease/Reliability
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Number of Reviews: 24

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Reviewed on 10/06/2022 by SoCalCarol - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Orange, California, United States
Frost Free Season: More than 203 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

I grew these for the first time in a 10 gallon fabric pot. We liked the taste but the harvest was disappointing. I’m going to try in our raised bed next spring. Hopefully they will do better in ground.

Reviewed on 10/06/2022 by SoCalCarol - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Orange, California, United States
Frost Free Season: More than 203 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

I grew these for the first time in a 10 gallon fabric pot. We liked the taste but the harvest was disappointing. I’m going to try in our raised bed next spring. Hopefully they will do better in ground.

Reviewed on 01/27/2021 by Creed - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Pierce, Washington, United States
Frost Free Season: 183 - 203 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Planted this in 2020, it was unusually cool and rainy. It seemed slow to flower and then produced only a few tomatoes which never ripened. While it was unusual weather, i am used to getting better results from my plants. I have read good things about this variety, so I was disappointed. Too many good varieties waiting from me to try, I won\'t attempt this one again.

Reviewed on 01/07/2014 by spedoodle - A novice gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Kent, Michigan, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Sweet pineapple like flavor. My chickens got most of them before they were ripe but they were big and plentiful. I will plant them again.

Reviewed on 08/10/2012 by Ferdzy - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Ontario, Canada
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Sand
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

I have to give this tomato a high rating just because it is so extra-ordinarily beautiful - perhaps the most beautiful tomato I have grown. It is a large fruit, coming to a shallow point at the bottom, and it is marbled in shades of orange, yellow, red, and green, inside and out. The flavour is sweet and mild but rich, the flesh soft but firm. It is important to pick them at just the right moment; which is perhaps a day or so earlier than you might think. The plant is tall and rangy, and it produces lightly but steadily. So far has been very healthy. Superb!

Reviewed on 12/24/2011 by IraH - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Chenango, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

i was impressed with the soze found them very slow to ripen the flavor was interesting i found it to have citrus overtones enjoyed it drizzled with some olive oil and sea salt

Reviewed on 12/24/2011 by IraH - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Chenango, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

i was impressed with the soze found them very slow to ripen the flavor was interesting i found it to have citrus overtones enjoyed it drizzled with some olive oil and sea salt

Reviewed on 08/20/2011 by endresult0710 - A novice gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Orange, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

This plant was slow to grow; it was slow to produce. I thought I had enough time to grow this tomato in my zone 5b garden, but maybe it just needed a little more time. The few tomatoes that I did get were meaty, absolutely delicious, and interestingly colored inside and out.

Reviewed on 12/22/2010 by Charlie LI - A novice gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Suffolk, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: More than 203 days
Soil Texture: Not Sure
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Grew it this year, 4 plants. 1 lb fruits on very big plants.Lovely...sweet, fruity, nice slicer. Eat right out of your hand in the garden. I will grow this from now on, it's a great tomato.. However....I have found that you have to pick them just before ripe because left on the vine when ripe they deteriorate very fast .

Reviewed on 09/27/2010 by LLamaLLori - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

San Luis Obispo, California, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

This is my first year to grow this variety. What a wonderful find. The flavor is superb. Very Meaty and sweet. Excellent for slicing. (very thin skined) The harvest isn't abundant but adequate. I'll have to remember to plant a few extra plants next year. Stays sweet even if it's overwatered. This one is a keeper! I'd highly recommend it.

Reviewed on 12/30/2009 by KathyW - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Foster, North Dakota, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

I would give 'Pineapple' 20 stars if I could! We try new tomatoes every year and found this one early on, so have grown it about 7-8 years. It was good, but a slug favorite in our acid soil of cent. Wis (from low fruit acidity?). Here in ND, everything must be perfect for it b/c it shines! 1st fruits are HUGE. Flavor and colors are outstanding. The best tomato sandwich, ever. Meaty, sweet and juicy; seeds only around outside.

Reviewed on 11/14/2009 by gwankney - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Fulton, Pennsylvania, United States
Frost Free Season:
Soil Texture:
Garden Size:
Sun Exposure:

Best flavored tomato ever. Uneven yield.

Reviewed on 08/02/2008 by Gardenerd - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Los Angeles, California, United States
Frost Free Season: More than 203 days
Soil Texture: Sand
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

In my neck of the woods, this tomato has not performed well. I've tried to grow it at least 3 times and have watched it suffer and eek through a season without producing much fruit. I'm sure it does well in other areas, but not here in coastal southern California.

Reviewed on 02/01/2008 by Kristi - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Bonneville, Idaho, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Beautiful, large late season tomato in our Zone 4 garden but such disappointingly bland flavor! Not worth the space unless you want it for its looks.

Reviewed on 12/27/2007 by rwkrieger - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Prince William, Virginia, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

This unique and large tomato grows very well in Northern VA. Its fairly productive on thick vines and tastes great (IMHO) too. Germination is no problem. Visually a slice of Pineapple is stunning, yellow with red marbling. Much better tasting to me than Copia.

Reviewed on 12/16/2007 by Oregon - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Lane, Oregon, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Very unique taste, almost like citrus. Also a very large tomato.

Reviewed on 09/26/2007 by MargoRed - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Onondaga, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Big bushy-habit tomato plant with monstrously large fruits. Pretty productive too. Pick and eat fruits when they're yellow with just a blush of red.

Reviewed on 02/08/2007 by girlgonegardening - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Porter, Indiana, United States
Frost Free Season: 123 - 143 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

I grew this and planted it at the same time as all my other tomatoes. I did not get a single tomato from it while everything else produced fine.

Reviewed on 12/27/2005 by tom -

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

3, King, Washington
Frost Free Season:
Soil Texture:
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

This is my absolute favorite slicer tom. It's huge, juicy and sweet. The flavor is clean, the flesh firm and BLTs will never be the same. In the Pacific NW it is a stingy producer, maybe 5-6 large toms per plant, but oooh-wee the reward is worth it. Pick them a little firm as when too ripe they can be a bit mushy.
0 of 2 gardeners found this review helpful.  

Reviewed on 10/25/2005 by KayC - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Illinois, United States
Frost Free Season: 123 - 143 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

This is one of the few tomatoes that I grow every year. The flavor is superb and very sweet. They are large indeterminate plants that need a substantial trellis - I use cages made of concrete reinforcing mesh about 5 ft. tall. The fruit is a large beefsteak-type, fleshy and yellow with red streaks but are tender and subject to cracking. They have few seeds for such a large tomato. These are a must for those of you with room to grow them.

Reviewed on 05/25/2005 by benka - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Illinois, United States
Frost Free Season: 123 - 143 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Have grown these for years. We consider these to be a must for our garden. Lovely coloring, excellent taste. Recommend this highly.

Reviewed on 01/17/2005 by zshawn - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Putnam, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 183 - 203 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

good tasting and good producer

Reviewed on 12/27/2004 by erinerskine - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Minnesota, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Not Sure
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: Less than 6 hours per day

Very beautiful mottled orange/yellow, very juicy and tasty but tended to blemish and start to rot before I got around to picking them

Reviewed on 09/13/2004 by George Morrison - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Westchester, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: Less than 6 hours per day

This large, bi-colored (red and yellow fleshed) heirloom tomato might look downright ugly on the vine, often misshapen and cracked. The skin is so thin it barely gets to the kitchen let alone to the supermarket. But it is mighty beautiful when cut and displayed on the plate, and the taste is absolutely delicious. As many heirlooms, this one is a shy bearer and somewhat late to ripen. If you have the room, and are willing to stake it, plant several.
1 of 1 gardener found this review helpful.  

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program, © 2004-2025, All Rights Reserved
Cornell Garden Based Learning, Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Horticulture Section