Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program

'Mexican Midget' Tomatoes
Sub-Category: Cherry
Sub-Category 2:
Description: Early-season, cherry/grape variety. Indeterminate plants bear round 1/2-inch fruit.
Days To Maturity: 60-70
Seed Sources: Seed Savers Exchange - updated in 2014
Totally Tomato - updated in 2014

Rating Summary
Overall: (4.3 Stars)Overall
Taste: (4.3 Stars)Taste
Yield: (4.4 Stars)Yield
Ease/Reliability: (4.7 Stars)Ease/Reliability
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Number of Reviews: 7

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KEY: O=Overall Rating, T=Taste, Y=Yield, E=Ease

Reviewed on 05/26/2018 by dantes - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Suffolk, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: More than 203 days
Soil Texture: Sand
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

I have grown mexico midget for going on 3 years now. It is my favorite tomato thus far. It has so much flavor packed into such a tiny tomato and is very prolific. I also get mexico midget volunteers popping up every year. I first found this tomato on Seed Savers Exchange as one of their taste test winners and also discovered it to be one of tomato expert, Craig Lehoullier\'s, ten tastiest tomatoes. It has earned a place in my garden every year.

Reviewed on 04/17/2017 by lizmom - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Franklin, Ohio, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Incorrect name. It is actually "Mexico Midget". Fabulous taste in a tiny 1/4 inch fruit. Grows in a wild rambling fashion. Large plant.

Reviewed on 10/22/2010 by lakeswago - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

The plant is huge so leave plenty of room. The yield is abundant and they continue to produce even after a light frost. I can't keep them out of my mouth as I'm harvesting.

Reviewed on 09/28/2007 by rosewalker - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Wayne, Michigan, United States
Frost Free Season: 123 - 143 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Great taste, huge plants! They're cherry tomatoes, but the name "Midget" is extremely ironic. Vines got nearly 20' long with tomatoes ripening all the way to the end in 4 months, though not nearly as many tomatoes as I would've thought. None of these actually made it out of the garden... they were the snack while harvesting everything else.

Reviewed on 04/23/2007 by wyldutah - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Salt Lake, Utah, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

I've grown these for 3 years now. Very prolific. great taste. I had some problem 2 years ago with not being as prolific, so they went back to the same spot in my garden which get a little afternoon shade. It can be100 temps in Salt Lake in July and August. I hvae too many to pick them all

Reviewed on 11/28/2005 by Echidne41 - A novice gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

St. Lawrence, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

MM is exceptionally prolific and early, too, but the tast is lackluster. Might be good for processing, but that tends to be a real pain in the butt with cherry tomatoes. I probably won't grow it again.

Reviewed on 07/13/2005 by Miss_Mudcat - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Indiana, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

A little tomato with a BIG taste! Easy to harvest; prolific producer.

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program, © 2004-2025, All Rights Reserved
Cornell Garden Based Learning, Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Horticulture Section