Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program

'Tomato Medusa' Tomatoes
Sub-Category 2:
Description: A hybrid indeterminate purple tomato with heirloom flavor and appearance. Vigorous plants with a strong disease package set large uniform fruit with reduced cracking. Performs in open filed and protected culture. Intermediate resistance to Late Blight, Verticillium Wilt, and Nematodes.
Days To Maturity: 75-0
Seed Sources: Harris Seeds - updated in 2021

Rating Summary
Overall: (3.8 Stars)Overall
Taste: (3.8 Stars)Taste
Yield: (3.7 Stars)Yield
Ease/Reliability: (3.6 Stars)Ease/Reliability
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Number of Reviews: 12

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KEY: O=Overall Rating, T=Taste, Y=Yield, E=Ease

Reviewed on 11/09/2021 by PattyMae - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Madison, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 123 - 143 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

What a great tomato. The color threw us all off because they are not very red when ripe but more pink with a hint of green. It\\\\\\\'s better to harvest when they feel right. As a consequence we did lose some to rot in this very wet year.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nHeld up well as far as diseases go, no blights, no leaf spots. Great flavor that reminded me of the heritage \\\\\\\'Mortgage Lifter\\\\\\\'. Needed lots of support since the fruit were very large and heavy. \\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nThe yield was great too, it just kept on producing as long as we kept up with picking.

Reviewed on 11/05/2021 by Saratoga MG - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Saratoga, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Sand
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Spotty germination. Plants were susceptible to disease in the greeenhouse, once planted out did better until mid-season when plants went into total decline. Never got any fruit from plants to harvest.

Reviewed on 10/28/2021 by CCE Nassau County NY - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Nassau, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 183 - 203 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

The Medusa is a cross between Damsel Hybrid and Cherokee Purple. It is a large tomato with the looks of an heirloom, but very prone to cracking. It is a hearty and juicy beefsteak, with a slight smoky taste. Some tasters thought it slightly acidic, but pleasant. For best results, we had to pick it when it just started to redden, otherwise it cracked and insects/rodents attacked it. It was a healthy and productive plant, however, for most of the season.

Reviewed on 10/21/2021 by CCE Orange County - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Orange, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

A tasty slicer!

Reviewed on 10/12/2021 by Albany County MGs - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Albany, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 123 - 143 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Beautiful, large beefsteak with exceptional flavor.

Reviewed on 10/10/2021 by nmeohen1 - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Cortland, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 103 - 123 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Nice tasting fruit with slow but steady yield.

Reviewed on 10/04/2021 by Ulster County MGV - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Ulster, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Not Sure
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Spotty germination but did well once established. Large tomatoes with excellent flavor. Fruit was prone to splitting and catfacing.

Reviewed on 10/03/2021 by MGWayne - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Wayne, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Plants grew with little problems, \\r\\nFruits tend to have either cracks or cat-facing in both garden locations. Overall good taste.

Reviewed on 09/26/2021 by Schuyler CCE - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Schuyler, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 183 - 203 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: Less than 6 hours per day

Grew tall with fruiting in gradual phases.

Reviewed on 09/25/2021 by CCE Rockland - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Rockland, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Easy to germinate. Plants resisted diseases until early September. Attractive colored and well shaped fruit but taste was bland.

Reviewed on 09/23/2021 by VVTG Warren - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Warren, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: More than 8 hours per day

Tomatoes were eaten by deer before full development

Reviewed on 08/17/2021 by Tompkins MGs - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Tompkins, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Early to mature for a big tomato. Fruits tend to have either cracks or cat-facing. Great flavor. Susceptible to early blight.

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program, © 2004-2025, All Rights Reserved
Cornell Garden Based Learning, Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Horticulture Section