Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program

'Quedlinburger Fruhe Liebe' Tomatoes
Sub-Category 2:
Description: USER ENTERED : This is a potato leaved, heirloom, open pollinated variety. I have seen a couple of spellings for the name of this amazing tomato. Ripens well before Early Girl. I was told that this plant originated from a town near coastal Germany and does well in cooler, damp climates--which would make it ideal for my area. I didn't take climate change into consideration. This is my first year growing it (I'll grow more next year) and it thrived in our unusually dry and record setting hot temperatures. One of the things I found interesting about it is the open branching pattern. Rather than thick, dense branches, the branches are widely spaced, with way fewer leaves then any of my other tomatoes. Guess this makes sense for humid climates as it would reduce the risk of fungus and diseases. The leaves and stems of this tomato is heavily covered with trichomes (the tiny hairs that secret fragrance) and in the early morning sunlight looks as if they are green covered with gold. I have never before seen trichomes this dense. The open branching pattern also makes it easy to pick tomatoes. Because of the trichomes, I always come away from picking with bright yellow on my hands.The tomatoes are bright red, they are larger than cherry tomatoes, but slightly smaller than Early Girls. They have produced non stop after the first tomato ripened. The tomatoes are in clusters, usually 4, sometimes 6 in a cluster. These are indeterminate. I used a tomato cage that is 6 feet tall, these plants are about a foot over the top of the tomato cage. These tomatoes are great tasting, low acid and sweet. I have eaten most of mine fresh this year and had plenty to give away. Everyone I've given them to has commented on the nice flavor.
Days To Maturity: NA
Seed Sources: Totally Tomato - updated in 2021

Rating Summary
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Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program, © 2004-2025, All Rights Reserved
Cornell Garden Based Learning, Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Horticulture Section