Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program

'Sweet Pepper ‘Manganji’' Peppers
Sub-Category 2:
Description: The famous and flavorsome sweet chili of historic Japan. Sure to be a new sensation with chefs and foodies alike. Manganji is recognized as a traditional cultural vegetable in Kyoto, Japan, where it is celebrated as the King of Japanese Chili peppers. Manganji is among the world’s best tasting peppers. These are generally sweet, but often take on a bit of heat, perfect for mild salsas, grilling, roasting and more! 8-12 hours of Sun Sprouts in 7-10 Days Ideal Temperature: 70-95 Degrees F Seed Depth: 1/4" Plant Spacing: 14-18" Frost Hardy: No Capsicum annuum
Days To Maturity: 80-90
Seed Sources:
Rating Summary
Overall: (3.2 Stars)Overall
Taste: (3.8 Stars)Taste
Yield: (3.0 Stars)Yield
Ease/Reliability: (3.6 Stars)Ease/Reliability
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Number of Reviews: 5

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KEY: O=Overall Rating, T=Taste, Y=Yield, E=Ease

Reviewed on 09/29/2023 by Schuyler CCE - An intermediate gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Schuyler, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 183 - 203 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: Less than 6 hours per day

compact in growth, continual rate of harvest

Reviewed on 09/21/2023 by Cafolla - A novice gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Monroe, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 163 - 183 days
Soil Texture: Not Sure
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Good producer. Produced both red and green peppers. Red- hotter than expected, Green- less hot than red, but still hotter than expected. Would use it cooked. Very good in gazpacho.

Reviewed on 09/20/2023 by Mylrae Sihrer Onondaga CCE - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Onondaga, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 183 - 203 days
Soil Texture: Clay
Garden Size: Small - Less than 400 square feet (20' x 20')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Tried this pepper twice during the season, and found it sweet the first time, and medium spicy the second time. We did not find it very flavorful, like we find a green bell pepper flavorful. So we wouldn’t recommend it . The plants grew well with no pests.

Reviewed on 08/27/2023 by Schenectady CCE - An experienced gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Schenectady, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Large - More than 1,600 square feet (40' x 40')
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Excellent flavor but poor yield and only fair growth of plants started from seed.

Reviewed on 08/15/2023 by caj88 CCE Oneida County - A novice gardener

Overall Overall
Taste Taste
Yield Yield
Ease/Reliability Ease

Oneida, New York, United States
Frost Free Season: 143 - 163 days
Soil Texture: Loam
Garden Size: Medium - 400 square feet to 1,600 square feet
Sun Exposure: 6 to 8 hours per day

Transplanted into Black Fabric Container Beds, as planting instructions mentioned black fabric being ideal to help these grow. Peppers never grew much more than original transplant size. Each of our 2 transplants had 1 flower that did successfully grow to a lovely long pepper (approx 3 inches long) and turned from green to red. Pepper was delicious and sweet in the front but had a milder heat that appeared after a few minutes from eating. I don\'t believe we\'ll see more peppers from this plant. Did not have good luck growing this variety at all, but the fruit we did get was great.

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program, © 2004-2024, All Rights Reserved
Cornell Garden Based Learning, Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Horticulture Section