Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program

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Your search returned the following 119 results:

(Click on the variety name to add a review of, or view reviews, ratings and seed sources of the variety)
Carrot markers reflect the center of a larger geographic location as a city center or zip code, and do not reflect the reviewers exact garden location.
Overall Rating:
(5.0 Stars) Overall Average 5
3 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Medium to large upright vines yield dark-yellow-fleshed, smooth yellow-skinned, oval tubers Resistant to common scab.
Kerr's Pink
Overall Rating:
(5.0 Stars) Overall Average 5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season Irish heirloom. Oval-flat tubers with pink skin and floury, white flesh. Short storage. Good resistance to scab.
Overall Rating:
(5.0 Stars) Overall Average 5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 100
  Mid-season variety produces 4- to 6-inch by 2 1/2-inch tubers with pink skins and creamy-yellow flesh.
Daisy Gold
Overall Rating:
(5.0 Stars) Overall Average 5
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Mid-season. Yellow, flaky, moist flesh. Resistant to nematodes.
Overall Rating:
(5.0 Stars) Overall Average 5
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Very-late season heirloom. Fingerling tubers with bumpy, buff skin and waxy, white flesh. Good storage. High resistance to scab.
Overall Rating:
(5.0 Stars) Overall Average 5
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Mid-late season. Plants produce large tubers with scurfy skin and yellow flesh. Good for boiling. Resistant to scab and golden nematode
Peter Wilcox
Overall Rating:
(5.0 Stars) Overall Average 5
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Early mid-season. Spreading plants produce dainty mauve with bright orange stamens flowers that yield round to oblong shape tubers with medium purple skin color, moderately smooth to slightly netted skin with shallow eyes and medium to dark yellow flesh with occasionally purple streaks. Dormancy about 5 months so good storage. Disease resistant variety. Resistance to powdery scab, golden nematode. Bred by Kathleen Haynes, USDA ARS, Beltsville, MD and released in 2007. Days to maturity 75 to 90 days. Also know as Purple Sun or Blue Gold.
Upstate Abundance
Overall Rating:
(5.0 Stars) Overall Average 5
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  USER ENTERED : Small golf ball size potatoes in 75 days. Developed and bred by W. De Jong
Purple Viking
Overall Rating:
(4.9 Stars) Overall Average 4.875
8 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Large, round tubers with purple skin splashed with pink and moist, firm, white flesh. Excellent storage. High resistance to scab and somewhat resistant to leaf hoppers. Compact plants.
Adirondack Red
Overall Rating:
(4.8 Stars) Overall Average 4.8
5 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early- to mid-season, medium- to high-yielding variety. Dark green decumbent to spreading vines bear oblong to long, slightly flattened, purplish-red-skinned tubers with shallow eyes and pink to red flesh. Excellent flavor. Good for boiling, mashing, pan frying, salads and microwaving. Color may leach out during boiling but not with other cooking methods. 2004 release bred by Walter De Jong at Cornell University. Formerly T17-2.
French Fingerling
Overall Rating:
(4.8 Stars) Overall Average 4.75
4 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Mid- to late-season. Large, fingerling tubers with smooth, dark rose-red skin and waxy, yellow flesh lightly splashed with pink. Good storage. High resistance to scab and shows some resistance to leaf hopper. Tall, spreading plant.
Overall Rating:
(4.7 Stars) Overall Average 4.666666666666667
12 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Large, oblong tubers with thin, buff skin, unobtrusive eyes and moist, firm, creamy-white flesh. Excellent storage. Resistant to late blight, black leg and potato viruses A and Y but medium scab resistance.
Yellow Finn
Overall Rating:
(4.7 Stars) Overall Average 4.666666666666667
3 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Oval-flat, pear-shaped tubers with yellow skin and moist, firm, bright-yellow flesh. Excellent storage. Good resistance to scab. Tubers set on long stolons spreading away from medium-sized plant.
Dark Red Norland
Overall Rating:
(4.6 Stars) Overall Average 4.571428571428571
7 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early-season. Oblong, smooth tubers with dark-red skin and moist, firm, white flesh. Fair storage. Highly resistant to scab and resistant to leaf roll and potato viruses A and Y.
Rose Finn Apple
Overall Rating:
(4.5 Stars) Overall Average 4.5
8 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Mid- to late-season. Fingerling tubers with beige, rose-blushed skin and waxy, bright-yellow flesh. Good storage. High resistance to scab. Medium-sized, upright plants.
Overall Rating:
(4.5 Stars) Overall Average 4.5
4 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season. Fingerling tubers with yellow, finely netted skin and deep-yellow, waxy, nutty flesh. Good storage. Good resistance to scab. Medium-sized, spreading plants. Also known as 'La Ratte'. 'Princess LaRatte' is essentially identical.
Overall Rating:
(4.5 Stars) Overall Average 4.5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season. Fingerling tubers with pointed tips, dark-purple skin and dry, mealy, white flesh. Good storage. Excellent resistant to common scab and late bright.
Garnet Chili
Overall Rating:
(4.5 Stars) Overall Average 4.5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Round tubers with light-red skin and moist, firm, white flesh. Good storage. Good resistance to scab. Large, tall plants
Russet Norkotah
Overall Rating:
(4.5 Stars) Overall Average 4.5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early-season. Medium-long, smooth tubers with netted, dark-russet skin, shallow, golden eyes and white flesh. Good storage. Resistant to scab and root knob.
Red Pontiac
Overall Rating:
(4.4 Stars) Overall Average 4.4
5 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early-season. Round tubers with red skin, medium-deep eyes and moist, crisp, white flesh. Excellent storage. Good drought tolerance. Medium resistance to scab. Also known as Dakota Chief.
Overall Rating:
(4.3 Stars) Overall Average 4.333333333333333
3 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Oblong tubers with yellow skin and moist, firm, yellow flesh. Good storage. Highly resistant to scab but susceptible to fusarium seed-piece decay. Inconsistent yields depending on growing conditions. Medium-spreading plant.
Fingerling Salad
Overall Rating:
(4.3 Stars) Overall Average 4.333333333333333
3 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season heirloom. 2- to 4-inch fingerling tubers with buff-yellow skin and light, waxy, yellow flesh. Good storage.
Russian Banana
Overall Rating:
(4.3 Stars) Overall Average 4.285714285714286
7 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late season. Small, fingerling tubers with buff-yellow skin and light-yellow, waxy-textured flesh. Stores well. Resistant to scab and somewhat resistant to late bright.
German Butterball
Overall Rating:
(4.2 Stars) Overall Average 4.25
8 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season heirloom. Oblong tubers with light, russet skin and medium-dry, yellow flesh. Excellent storage. Resistance to viruses and scab but some susceptibility to rhizoctonia.
Irish Cobbler
Overall Rating:
(4.2 Stars) Overall Average 4.25
4 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early-season. Round tubers with buff skin and firm, dry, white flesh. For short-term storage. Medium resistance to scab. Medium-sized plants.
Overall Rating:
(4.2 Stars) Overall Average 4.2
5 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Very early. Oblong tubers with purple skin, snow-white, waxy flesh and medium-dry texture. Stores well but skin color loses brightness. Good resistance to scab and storage rot. Medium-sized plant.
All Blue
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
11 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Smooth, oblong, medium-size, deep-blue to almost purple skin and brilliant purple, moist, firm flesh with slightly grainy texture. Excellent storage. Resistant to scab.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
3 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late season. Oblong tubers with yellow skin and waxy, yellow flesh. Fair storage. Medium resistance to scab.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
3 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early-season. Medium, erect to spreading plants yield smooth, oval tubers with buff skin and white flesh. Good for long storage. Resistant to heat and drought and scab. Susceptible to blackleg, fusarium PVLR, PVX, PVY, verticillium wilt, pressure bruise, late blight.
Adirondack Blue
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
3 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early- to main-season variety good for Baking, boiling, steaming, mashing, brightly colored salads. Spreading plants yield large, round to oblong, slightly flattened, purple-fleshed tubers with purple skin. Susceptible to common scab and silver scurf. Resistant to golden nematode. Formerly known as S45-5.
Austrian Crescent
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Mid- to late-season. 10-inch, fingerling tubers weighing up to 18 ounces with tan skin and deep, waxy, yellow flesh. Medium-sized plants. Good storage. High resistance to scab. Good for new potatoes.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early- to mid-season. Large, round tubers with shallow eyes, red skin and moist, firm, white flesh. Fair storage. Medium-sized plants. Highly resistant to scab and resistant to net necrosis, stem-end browning and late blight. Also known as 'Chiefton'.
Green Mountain
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season heirloom. Oblong tubers with buff skin and dry, mealy, white flesh. Excellent storage. Resistant to fusarium storage rot, black leg and verticillium and moderately resistant to scab.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Oblong tubers with deep-red, slightly russeted skin and moist, firm, white flesh. Excellent storage. Good resistance to scab. Excellent for new potatoes. Also known as 'Red Sangre'.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Late season. Long tubers with russet skin and dry, mealy, white flesh Excellent storage. Medium-sized plants. Highly resistant to scab, and somewhat resistant to hollow heart and net necrosis.
Gold Rush
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Mid-season. Oblong to long tubers with well-russeted skin and medium-dry, white flesh. Fair storage. Very resistant to drought and common scab, verticillium, black spot bruising and hollow heart. Large upright vine.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Oblong tubers with beet-red skin and moist, firm, smooth-textured, lighter-red flesh marbled with white. Good storage. Medium resistance to scab.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Oblong-oval tubers with lightly netted, yellow skin and intensely yellow, waxy, dense flesh. Good storage. Virus immunity and good resistance to scab and blight.
Red Cloud
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Round tubers with red skin and medium-dry, snow-white flesh. Excellent storage. High resistance to scab, early blight, hollow heart, heat stress and drought. Medium-sized spreading plants.
Rose Gold
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Medium-sized, round, smooth tubers with rose-red skin and moist, firm, golden-yellow flesh. Good storage. Good resistance to scab.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Mid-season. Round to oblong tubers with buff skin and moist, firm, white flesh. Excellent storage. Good resistance to common scab and golden nematode. Medium-sized, spreading plant.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Midseason general-purpose variety. Small to medium, spreading plants yield round, oblong to oval, white-fleshed tubers with light-cream buff-skinned tubers with medium deep eyes. Resistant to net PVX, PVY, PVA, PVS verticillium wilt, mild and rugose mosaic. Susceptible to blackleg, fusarium, PLRV Stores well.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Mid- to late-season general purpose fresh market variety. Large plants bear round, shallow-eyed, buff-skinned, white-fleshed tubers. Resistant to golden nematode, verticillium wilt. Susceptible to scab, late blight, growth cracks.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Mid-to-late season variety similar to Atlantic or Monona. Medium to tall, semi-erect plants yield round to oval to oblong, white-fleshed, smooth tubers with bright-white to buff skin. Resistant to golden nematode, common scab, verticillium wilt, early blight. Susceptible to late blight. Stores well.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Late season. Large erect plants with reddish-purple flowers produce buff-skinned, white-fleshed tubers. A 1938 release developed from 'Chippewa' and 'Katahdin'. Resistant to viruses, late blight, early blight, net necrosis, common scab, fusarium, dry rot and wart. Fair storage.
Red Norland
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early-season. Plants produce large, smooth, red-skinned, white-fleshed tubers.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Hybrid grown from seed. Compact plants produce round-oval, medium to large tubers with shallow eyes, smooth white skin, and white flesh.
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Mid-season variety. Plants produce round to oval, smooth- and thin-skinned, tubers with shallow eyes.
Red Maria
Overall Rating:
(4.0 Stars) Overall Average 4
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Late season. Dark green upright plants produce red-purple flowers that yield large, round, bright, red skin, lightly textured tubers that hold color well in storage. Resistant to golden nematode and common scab. Plant showed some resistance to leafhoppers and tarnished plant bugs. This is NY 129 bred by Walter DeJong and Robert Plaisted and released by the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University to Foundation Seed Growers in 2010. Late maturity greater than 90 days.
Yukon Gold
Overall Rating:
(3.9 Stars) Overall Average 3.9166666666666665
24 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Very early season. Medium to large, upright plants yield small to medium, slightly flattened, oval tubers with thin, golden buff-yellow skin, small, pink eyes and dry, mealy, yellow flesh. Excellent storage because of long tuber dormancy. Resistant to mild mosaic, PVLR, PVA. Susceptible to common scab, PVY, early blight, fusarium, dry rot, silver scurf, rhizoctonia.
Purple Peruvian
Overall Rating:
(3.8 Stars) Overall Average 3.8333333333333335
6 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Very-late season. Fingerling tubers with purple skin and dry, earthy, bright-purple flesh. Good storage. High resistance to scab.
Magic Molly
Overall Rating:
(3.8 Stars) Overall Average 3.8333333333333335
6 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Solanum tuberosum. Deep purple skin, deep purple fingerling flesh tubers that will grow into a larger oblong size but may be harvested earlier. Retains its color when boiled. A seedling of Red Beauty developed by Bill Campbell of Alaska
Potato ‘Magic Molly ’
Overall Rating:
(3.8 Stars) Overall Average 3.823529411764706
17 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Magic Molly is a new potato variety that was originally produced in Alaska. It is extremely vigorous and sets striking deep purple skin and flesh. Magic Molly Fingerling Potatoes have an oblong shape and can be harvested early for fingerlings or left in the ground for a blockier shape. Tubers can grow to over 6" long and make a good boiler since it retains its purple color. Approximately 10 Magic Molly fingerling seed potatoes per pound. Supplied as certified seed potato.
Red Gold
Overall Rating:
(3.7 Stars) Overall Average 3.6666666666666665
3 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. 2-inch, round tubers with red skin and waxy, yellow flesh. Short-term storage. Medium resistance to scab.
Overall Rating:
(3.6 Stars) Overall Average 3.6
10 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late season. Round, smooth, tubers with buff skin and firm, moist, white flesh. Excellent storage. Disease resistant variety. Resistance to scab, leaf hoppers, early blight, Verticillium wilt, golden nematode and Colorado potato beetle. Considered the potato variety most resistant to late blight.
Island Sunshine
Overall Rating:
(3.5 Stars) Overall Average 3.5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season. 2- to 3-inch, round tubers with yellow skin and dry, mealy, golden-yellow flesh. Good storage. Highly resistant to late blight and good resistance to scab. Medium-sized plants.
Overall Rating:
(3.5 Stars) Overall Average 3.5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late season. Large, round tubers with buff skin and moist, firm, white flesh. Excellent storage. Medium resistance to scab. Tubers tend to be near surface so should be well hilled. High dependable yields.
Red Thumb
Overall Rating:
(3.5 Stars) Overall Average 3.5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season. Fingerling tubers with smooth, red skin and waxy, red flesh. Good storage. Medium resistance to scab. Small- to medium-sized plants.
All Red
Overall Rating:
(3.3 Stars) Overall Average 3.2857142857142856
7 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Large, round tubers with smooth cranberry-red skin and light-rose flesh even when cooked boiled or roasted. Keeps red color well in cool, dark storage. Some drought resistance and good resistance to scab. Also known as 'Cranberry Red'.
Russet Burbank
Overall Rating:
(3.2 Stars) Overall Average 3.2
5 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Very late season. Long, heavy tubers with russeted skin and dry, mealy, white flesh. Excellent storage. Resistant to blackleg and fusarium and high resistance to scab. Also known as Idaho Potato.
Prince Hairy
Overall Rating:
(3.0 Stars) Overall Average 3
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
110 - 135
  White-skinned, white-fleshed variety producing medium-large round tubers. Resistant to Colorado potato beetles, potato leafhoppers and flea beetles. Also known as NYL235-4.
Overall Rating:
(3.0 Stars) Overall Average 3
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Mid- to late-season. Fingerling tubers with yellow skin and waxy, yellow flesh. Good storage. High resistance to scab. Also known as 'Banana Fingerling'.
Overall Rating:
(3.0 Stars) Overall Average 3
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season. Large, smooth, oblong tubers with buff skin and white, dry, mealy flesh. Good storage. Resistance to hollow heart, fusarium and golden nematode and medium resistance to scab. Medium to large plants. Also known as 'Beltsville'.
Overall Rating:
(3.0 Stars) Overall Average 3
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season. Fingerling tubers with tan, netted skin and waxy, dense, yellow flesh. Good storage. High resistance to scab. Also known as 'Swedish Peanut'.
Overall Rating:
(3.0 Stars) Overall Average 3
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
  Late-season. Long tubers with russeted, buff skin. Resistant to scab and many other diseases.
Early Rose
Overall Rating:
(3.0 Stars) Overall Average 3
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early-season American heirloom. Plants produce smooth, pinkish-red tubers with red-streaked, white flesh.
Overall Rating:
(3.0 Stars) Overall Average 3
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Plants produce medium-sized, white-skinned and -fleshed tubers. Dry flesh good for frying, boiling and baking.
Overall Rating:
(3.0 Stars) Overall Average 3
1 Review
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Plans produce medium round, white-skinned and -fleshed tubers. Developed for chipping but also good for boiling and baking.
Princess LaRatte
Overall Rating:
(2.5 Stars) Overall Average 2.5
2 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 100
  Mid-season. Smooth, buff-skinned tubers with golden-yellow flesh. Essentially the same as 'LaRatte'.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Late season. Fingerling tubers with magenta-red skin and pink, smooth-textured, waxy flesh. Good storage. Medium resistance to scab, leaf hoppers and late blight.
Cherry Red
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Round tubers with smooth, vivid-red skin and moist, firm, white flesh. Heavy yields. Good storage.
Frontier Russet
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early season. Oblong, smooth tubers with slightly russeted skin and dry, mealy, white flesh. Excellent storage. Good resistance to scab.
Ida Rose
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Mid-season. Oblong tubers with bright-red skin that retains color during storage and moist, firm, white flesh. Good storage. Moderate resistance to scab, growth crack, hollow heart, verticillium and early blight. Medium-tall plants.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Round tubers with bright-red skin, medium-deep eyes and moist, firm flesh. Good storage. High resistance to scab. Medium-sized spreading plants.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early-season. Round tubers with smooth, buff skin and moist, white flesh. Excellent storage. Resistant to blight and highly resistant to scab.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Mid-season. Round, smooth tubers with bright-red skin and moist, white flesh. Good storage. Medium to large plants. High resistance to scab.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early-season. Medium-sized, round, smooth tubers with thin, bright-red skin and moist, white flesh. Short-term storage. Resistant to late blight race O, silver scurf and hollow heart and high resistance to scab.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early-season. Oblong, slightly flattened, smooth tubers with clear, yellow skin, shallow eyes and moist, firm, yellow flesh. Good storage. Good resistant to scab, mosaic virus and warts.
Lucky Charms
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Potatoes grown from seed. Smooth, oval, buff-colored tubers with tender, nutty-flavored white flesh.
Belle de Fontenay
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Upright plants yield medium-to-large, oblong, buff-skinned, golden-yellow fleshed, waxy tubers.
Colorado Rose
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Main-season, all-purpose potato. Medium-sized plants produce large, oval, smooth, rose-red-skinned tubers with white flesh.
Red Pearl
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early-season bred specifically to produce many small tubers (marble-sized up to 2 inches). Small- to medium-sized vines yield up to 20 red-skinned, white-fleshed 1- to 2-ounce tubers per plant.
Russet Nugget
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Large upright vines yield white-fleshed, slightly flattened tubers. Dry mealy texture for frying or baking. Moderate resistance to early blight, verticillium wilt and net necrosis. Resistant to common scab, hollow heart and second growth. Moderately susceptible to seed piece decay, blackleg and rhizoctonia.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early fresh-market variety. Medium-large, spreading plants yield netted, buff-skinned, white-fleshed, round to oblong tubers. Resistant to golden nematode, net necrosis and common scab
Swedish Peanut
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Dry, golden-fleshed, heirloom, fingerling potato from Sweden produces teardrop-shaped tubers. Also known as Mandel. Perfect baked or roasted.
Red Ruby
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Early season, red-skinned, waxy-textured potato. Keeps well.
Maris Piper
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season English variety. Large cream-skinned, cream-fleshed, dry-fleshed tubers. Good keeper.
Ruby Crescent
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
95 - 100
  Main-season, fingerling type. Plants produce rosy-skinned tubers with moderately dry, yellow flesh best baked or boiled. Also known as 'Ruby Crescent Fingerling'.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early season. Plants produce oblong, smooth-skinned tubers with evenly distributed, medium-shallow eyes and light yellow flesh. Keeps well. Good for boiling and baking. Resistant to most diseases.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early-season. Plants produce medium, oblong, sometimes slightly crescent-shaped, shallow-eyed tubers with very thin, golden-yellow skin and flesh. Stores well.
Dakota Rose
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early-season. Plants produce round to oblong, smooth, white-fleshed, deep-red color tubers with shallow eyes.
Red Companion
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Early-season. Plants produce smooth, medium-to-large, red-skinned, white-fleshed tubers with shallow eyes.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season Dutch variety. Plants produce round to oval, yellow-skinned, deep-yellow-fleshed tubers with shallow eyes and slightly prominent eyebrows. Moderate scab resistance.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season potato. Plants produce red-skinned, white-fleshed tubers. Keeps color well in storage. Good for boiling, mashing, baking, or frying.
Mountain Rose
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season variety. Plants produce red-skinned and -fleshed tubers. Good for chips, fries, baking and mashing.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Plants produce small, creamer-sized tubers.
Purple Majesty
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Plants produce purple-skinned and -fleshed tubers. Bred for frying but also good for baking and boiling, too.
Red Lasoda
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Plants produce round, smooth-skinned tubers with distinct eyes. Good keeper.
Rote Erstling
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season, multi-purpose Swedish potato. Plants produce round to oblong, red-skinned, yellow-fleshed tubers.
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0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Plant produce yellow-skinned and -fleshed tubers. Stores well.
Viking Red
Overall Rating:
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0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season. Plants produce bright-red-skinned, white-fleshed tubers. Good for for baking and boiling. Heat tolerant. Keeps well.
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0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season oblong russet type for fresh market.
Centennial Russet
Overall Rating:
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0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Plants produce white-fleshed, oblong to slightly flat tubers with dark, heavy russeted skin and shallow eyes.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Plants produce rounded, light-yellow to white tubers. Developed for potato chips and also good for frying, mashing and baking.
Golden Sunburst
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Plants produce short, oval, yellow-skinned tubers with deep yellow flesh.
Inca Gold
Overall Rating:
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0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Plants produce round, yellow-fleshed, golden-skinned tubers with purple splashes. and yellow flesh. Keeps well.
Rio Grande Russett
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Plants produce oblong, white-fleshed, russet tubers.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Plants produce red-skinned, yellow-fleshed tubers.
Russet Silverton
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season russet type. Heat tolerant. Good for baking and frying.
Snow White
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
90 - 120
  Late-season. Plants produce oval, white-skinned and -fleshed tubers. Good for mashed potatoes.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
70 - 90
  Mid-season fingerling type. Plants produce yellow-skinned and -fleshed tubers.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
50 - 100
  Grow from true seed instead of tubers. Plants produce flat, oval, brown-skinned, white-fleshed tubers. Some resistance to early and late blight. 50 days from transplanting for baby potatoes, 100 to full maturity.
Keuka Gold
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  Medium to medium-late maturing plants produce mostly round to slightly oval, scab-resistant tubers with pale yellow flesh.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
60 - 75
  Potato tubers are smooth, tender, yellow skin and flesh. Storage ability strong. Disease resistant variety. Resistance to scab.
Yukon Gem
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
80 - 100
  Solanum tuberosum. Hybrid. Yellow skin and flesh main season potato. Tubers have pink-shadowed eyes and pale yellow flesh with a medium to low moisture content. Tubers have smooth tan skin. Yukon Gem is an all-purpose potato, suitable for any dish. Yukon Gold is in pedigree. Disease resistant variety. Resistance to common scab. About 80 to 100 days to maturity.
Caribou Russet
Overall Rating:
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0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
80 - 90
  Solanum tuberosum. Hybrid. Russet potato. Moderate yields of very attractive, oval to oblong, russeted tubers that store well. Variety was bred for and performs best in cool climates, so should only be grown in the northern tier (New England and states that border Canada). Developed by the University of Maine. Great for baked potatoes and mashing. Disease resistant variety. Resistance to golden nematode race Ro1, common scab, and verticillium wilt. About 80 to 90 days to maturity.
King Edward
Overall Rating:
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0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  USER ENTERED : A 1902 heirloom from Northumberland, King Edward VII, was one of Britain's most popular varieties during the first half of the 20th century. Originally named “Fellside Heroâ€, and because of poor sales and lack of interest, John Butler of Scotter, by the advice of a Mr. Paxten renamed the variety to King Edward. This must have worked since by 1906 the variety was well known and was being recommended for its high yields and excellent cooking qualities. The light fluffy texture is great for baking and mashing.
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
  USER ENTERED : We received insufficient planting material, did not have more than one eye, not enough to expect 4 plants. We planted what we received in the mail and it didn't grow anything.
Alba Potato
Overall Rating:
(0.0 Stars)
0 Reviews
Days to Maturity:
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Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners is a citizen science program, © 2004-2025, All Rights Reserved
Cornell Garden Based Learning, Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Horticulture Section